As Christians, we seek to feed the hungry, improve living conditions, and make the world a better place to live.
- — Our church houses the United Churches of Lycoming County office, their Food Pantry and Rise Up Village Bakery ministries.
- — As a church, we support ministries such as the United Churches Food Pantry,Shepherd of the Streets, Sojourner Truth Ministries, The American Rescue Workers, Habitat for Humanity and many other local ministries.
- — We have members who participate in the annual CROP Walk for Hunger.
- — Our youth participate yearly in the Souper Bowl of Caring and the 30-Hour Famine.
- — Each month we highlight a Mission of the Month to whom all mission money during that month is donated.
- — Quarters by the Quarter designates a mission to whom all quarters in the offering plates are given for a three month period. (a quarter of the year).
- — Our “Little Free Library” offers books for borrowing, taking or leaving, 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year and our “Blessing Box” offering little blessings to those in need.