We are an Open and Affirming congregation and believe that all people are created in the image of God without regard to age, disability, gender (including identity and expression), race/ethnicity, social or educational status or sexual orientation.
It is often said that the time that we are least diverse is the hour we spend at church each week. Here at New Covenant UCC, we strive to be a diverse faith community that shares a common, deep and abiding love for God and each other. And we have committed ourselves to serving and caring for God’s creation and our neighbors, both locally and globally.
New Covenant is a faith community filled with warm and caring people. We are continually looking for new ways to reach out to bring comfort and healing to those in need. Our programs and ministries are designed to integrate everyone into the life of the church. We strive to accept diversity in a way that proves we are truly “One” and break down barriers that prevent us from listening and understanding one another.
One of our UCC promotional phrases is , “God is Still Speaking.” We believe that although the scriptures were written ages ago, that God is continually speaking to us today, offering us new insights, inspiration, comfort and encouragement.