You are currently viewing WEEKLY UPDATE  Week of November 2 – November 8, 2015

WEEKLY UPDATE Week of November 2 – November 8, 2015

Ministering Next Week:

Greeters: Sara Blair & Sara Blair

Usher Captains: Gary & Veronica Keller

Liturgist: Nancy Reiff

Lay Reader: Donald Phillips

            Acolyte: Shelby Mattern

Nursery: Karen Horne

Children’s Church: Marci & Glenn Griswold

         Sound Room: Dean Rabert

            Money Counters: Glenn & Marci Griswold


November 2                          1:00 pm                    NA

Golf Meeting (United Churches)

5:30 pm                     TOPS

6—8 PM                     Musical Practice

November 3                          1:00 pm                     NA

November 4                         ANNUAL SAUERKRAUT DINNER

1:15 pm                     AA

November 5                         1:15 pm                     AA

5:00 pm                     OEA

November 6                          1:00 pm                     NA

November 7                          8:30 am                     OEA

12—9 pm                      NA Speaker Jam

November 8                          9:30 am                     Faith Formation

10:45 am                   Worship

4—6 pm                      Musical Practice

6:00 pm                       Youth Group

November 2                          1:00 pm                    NA

Golf Meeting (United Churches)

5:30 pm                     TOPS

6—8 PM                     Musical Practice

7:00 pm                     Worship & Music


You can pick up your Sauerkraut tickets at the door on Wednesday.



As we approach Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26th), we prepare to give thanks for all that we have.

Traditionally, we bring in food donations on Harvest Home Sunday that are placed before the altar, blessed, and then distributed to the Food Pantry.

We also bring in our “Thank Boxes” to help the Congregational Concerns   Committee assist members of the congregation who are in financial need.

This hear we are asking for a small donation by November 15th from members of the congregation to purchase Weis Market food cards to share with the four families of Journey House. It will be given to them prior to Thanksgiving Da



Each year we offer you the opportunity to place a poinsettia in the church in memory of a loved one or to honor someone special. The poinsettias will be placed in the church for Christmas Eve and may be picked up following the 7 PM worship service on Christmas Eve. Again, this year, we are offering a variety of colors from which to choose: Red, White, or Pink Glitter. Cost is $11.00 each. The deadline for ordering is December 7th. A signup sheet is posted on the Narthex bulletin board. Check quantity and color The price is the same as last year.



The church will be purchasing three Christmas Trees for the narthex. The cost will be $25. If you would like to donate a tree as a memoriam, please call the church office at 326-3308.



After worship on Sunday, November 29th, we will have a tureen lunch and   decorate the church and all the trees.

There will be crafts, cookies, hot chocolate and a story for the children. Please mark your calendars and join in the fun of sharing lunch and decorating the church.




A number of critical issues in the life of New Covenant will be brought to the meeting which requires a vote by the Congregation including:

Adoption of “Safe Church” policy

New Covenant Community Connections (NC3) Business plan presentation followed by a motion to proceed with the purchase of the Church St.   duplex (across from Journey House I) and the borrowing of up to $130,000 for the establishment of another facility for homeless families.

The roof at the church has continued to deteriorate. The Property           Committee in conjunction with the Finance Committee will present a motion to proceed with the roof replacement and borrowing of up to $200,000.

As we continue our “journey to inclusion,” a motion will be presented to have New Covenant become an “Open & Affirming” congregation reflecting our long standing commitment of “no matter who you are or where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

Adoption of the 2016 Mission (Budget) Plan

Election of seven members to Church Council, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and two delegates to both Central Association and Penn   Central Conference.

Tentatively, the meeting will start about 12:30 right after a light lunch. Child care will also be available.